viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Poema anarco imperialista para espíritus sensibles y revolucionarios disciplinados

I wanna chew my bubble gum with you
If you let me baby
I´m gonna live my life at your side
If you let me baby

I wanna walk with you just hand in hand
And nothing else matters
I´m gonna kidnap employers today
And ask for Money

I swear I´ll be for ever at your side
Except on Fridays
Cause I´ll be distributing cash
stolen from the upper classes

I´ll be there at any time you need me
Except on Monday nights
Cause I´ll be threating landlords in the countryside
And beating the hell out of nazis

Because I love you baby even more
Than writing “freedom”
In the outside wall
Of the women´s prison.*

* Errores producto de impericia en el manejo del idioma y uso de sustancias que inhiben el sistema nervioso.

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